Is Aging an Old Idea?
rock + ocean + time
If you are anything like me, when you think of aging, diseases and aches and pains come to mind, not to mention wrinkled skin, body changes, and grey hair. None of that sounds too great. At the same time, you probably take good care of yourself to stave off the inevitable. We’ve come to accept that aging, or these symptoms of aging are unavoidable. We try to delay them. We eat right, try to exercise, maybe you do some cardio, yoga, and take a few supplements. That’s all a great start.
But we can go deeper….
We can go more in depth, addressing the root cause of aging itself. Yes, that is right! We can do that. We can create habits, rituals, and practices which hit these root causes head on. And in doing so, we can enhance our feeling of well-being. If this sounds too good to be true, hang in there with me. You deserve to feel your best at all stages of life. And how you treat your body even when you are young matters, so if you are a “young’n” this information is for you as well. Because one thing I can tell you for certain is that all of us are made from the same “stuff”. We are diverse, yes, but let’s face it, we will all experience “aging”.
Each nano-second that clicks by, our bodies are fighting a war to regenerate, procreate, and survive. And this war starts from the moment we are conceived and doesn’t stop until we breathe our last breath. The in-between time from conception to death can be very stressful, but also oh so very amazing. We are like these tiny pebbles on the beach, warn by time, nature, and the environment but so beautiful when we look close up. Let’s walk a journey together to unpack what aging really means to us. I’ll share with you some things I’ve learned from the worlds of herbalism, mushrooms, supplements, exercise, and yoga through the years. And together, we can discover what this very frightening and human thing means to us. What does aging mean to you? How about mortality? Heavy topics, but no topic is more universal.
As we age, we grow in wisdom. We learn to live within our changing bodies, and become more aware of the temporary nature of the physical body.. I can help you with one-on-one teaching, weaving yoga, meditation, herbalism, and diet, to support wellness and well-being.